Friday, May 31, 2019

Battle of the Sexes :: Personal Narrative Essay Example

Battle of the Sexes   Tiny pink nipples peeked proscribed from our pasty chests and our protruding ribs gave way to our sun-starved tummies. Alex and I ran free, our shirts flapping in the wind as we waved them over our heads like victory flags. Moments later, on that April day in first grade, my best friend and I experienced the injustices of womanhood our teachers advised us that we were not allowed to go shirtless during recess.   Why? Alex whined. Thats not fair, I protested. The boys can.   Of course our complaints received the usual response, Its different for little boys and little girls. An answer that was not exactly unsatisfactory, but infuriating as well. Indignantly, Alex and I argued our way to topless equality.   By age six, I challenged the double standard set for boys and girls. Instinctively, I knew to speak out against blatant sexism. When I heard a guest at a dinner party remark, What a shame that beautiful curly hair was work-shy on your son. You really should consider cutting it, so the poor thing doesnt get mistaken for a girl. I boldly cut in, Boys can behave long hair just as much as girls. They can be beautiful too, you know.   The adults chuckled over my petulance and my parents shared embarrassed smiles. Then they banished me to the designated childrens table, divergence me with a lingering sense of injustice. My strong desire for equality has been shaped by experiences like these and myriad of other people and standards as well.   For example, I am angered by the emphasis society places on men to become big, strong protector providers while women are encouraged to appear docile and meek. When I was young I watched cartoons like Popeye and Superman, noting their bravery in rescuing innocent folks from the arms of danger. Then I wanted to know why there were no women heroes. Why couldnt females be the ones to flex their muscles at monsters and bad guys to protect or rescue their helpless male lover s? Early in my life I recognized these implied yet clear-cut roles for men and women and they still exist in many areas of life today. However, I strongly believe that males and females deserve equal opportunities and that expectations based on gender are unfair.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Collector :: essays research papers

Macbeth EssayFalse face must hide what the false warmheartedness doth know. (I, vii, 82) The abduce above signifies him being pushed and pushed into things that were intended for him to accomplish, although these actions creates a world of death and revenge. Macbeth was a victim of his birth ambition. In Macbeth tragedy strikes upon Macbeth and courtships him to lose his own demeanor in order to live another. Macbeth is not a sympathetic character in that man can control his own destiny and that being pushed into some(a) decision can cost either their life or someone elses.In the play Macbeth one does not feel sympathetic for Macbeth. He controls his own destiny and lives a life of one man, himself. Rather accepting what he has, Macbeth gets greedy and wants it all. One can not feel sympathetic if the best track to get something is to kill that person or to kill the family of that person. He does change though at the end of the play. One can feel sympathetic for him at the end , when knowing that all hope has come to an end, he fights for something else than himself. He fights till the death nevertheless loses at the end. Also one can feel for him because of some nagging things going on in his head, including his wife and the three witches. Knowing the thought that he can become king, Lady Macbeth influences Macbeth to many things that soon cause a great deal of pain and suffering. If you can look into the seeds of time and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then to me. (I, iii, 59-60) The quote is from Banquo who states if the witches can look into the future then tell him of what happens in the next coming. Macbeth has some control over his own destiny. He soon learns that from the witches foretelling him of his future. He learns that not only will he become Thane of Cawdor but also King. His destiny is soon thrown into the hands of Lady Macbeth, who in many good deals eyes believes she is the controller of Macbeth. Macbeths own acti ons show that he can control his own destiny. He could have never killed King Duncan, but pressure from his wife and the future telling him that he will be King seduces Macbeth into wanting more than what he has.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Nikola Tesla Essay -- essays research papers fc

"Were we to seize and eliminate from ourindustrial world the results of Mr. Teslas work,the wheels of industry would cease to turn, ourelectric cars and trains would stuff, our townswould be dark, our mills would be dead and idle.Yes, so faraway reaching is his work that it has becomethe warp and woof of industry... His gain marksan epoch in the advance of electrical science.From that work has sprung a revolution..." -B.A.Behrend If you were to go to an cyclopedia andtried to find out who invented the radio, X- rays,and the tube amplifier, this is what you would findradio was invented by Marconi, X- rays byRoentgen, and the tube amplifier by de Fo balance wheel.While youre there, look to see who invented thefluorescent bulb, neon lights, the speedometer, thebasics of radar, and the microwave oven. I dontknow who the encyclopedias say invented thosethings, but I bet it wont give any mention of a manby the name of Nikola Tesla. In fact, I bet theywont give much mention of Tesla for any of themany things he invented. We can thank ThomasEdison for this. Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljian,Croatia at precisely midnight on July 9/10, 1856.Not a lot is known about his early childhood. Hisfather was an orthodox priest, and his mother,though unschooled, was highly intelligent. Teslahad an extraordinary memory, and he spoke sixlanguages. He Spent four years studying math,physics, and mechanics at the Polytechnic Instituteat Graz. Tesla first came to America in 1884,when he was 28. He worked for Thomas Edison.Edison, at the time, had just patented the lightbulb,and needed a system to distribute the electricity.One of Teslas gifts was an understanding ofelectricity. Edison promised Tesla large amountsof money if he could work out the kinks inEdisons DC system of electricity. In the end,Tesla saved Edison over $100,000 (which wouldbe millions today), but Edison refused to live up tohis end of the bargain. Tesla quit, and Edisonspent the rest of his life trying to stifle Teslasreputation. Tesla devised a system for electricity,AC, which was better than Edisons DC system ofelectricity. AC (Teslas system) is what is used inour homes today. AC offered many advantagesover DC. AC could be transmitted over largedistances through thin wires. DC electricityrequired a large power plant every fledge mile,and the transmission t... ... ifhe had had the money to finance the experimentshe always wanted to? We are confronted withportentous problems which can not be solved justby providing for our material existence, howeverabundantly. On the contrary, progress in thisdirection is fraught with hazards and perils not lessmenacing than those born from want and suffering.If we were to release the energy of the atoms ordiscover some other way of developing cheap andunlimited power at any point of the globe thisaccomplishment, instead of being a blessing, mightbring disaster to mankind... The greatest good willcome from the technical improvements tending touni fication and harmony, and my wirelesstransmitter is preeminently such. By its style thehuman voice and likeness will be reproducedeverywhere and factories driven thousands ofmiles from waterfalls furnishing the power aerialmachines will be propelled around the earthwithout a stop and the suns energy controlled tocreate lakes and rivers for motive purposes andtransformation of arid deserts into fertile land...-Nikola Tesla BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGE 1.http// 2.http//