Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Downside of Internet Consumption among Children Research Paper

The Downside of Internet Consumption among Children - Research Paper Example Nowadays, the present generation would rather spend several hours using the computer than watching TV (Pavlik 267). This merely implies that whatever they want might just be acquired in an instant as almost everything is possible in just a matter of seconds. It is imperative to note, however, that the effects and the various influences of the rampant application of the internet among the youth may eventually create both constructive and detrimental impact on their development. Although the internet serves to be favorable and beneficial most of the time, its detrimental effects outweigh its advantages in most cases. Moreover, Cheon significantly notes â€Å"children’s exposure to negative internet content relates to the social context of internet usage†, where the family plays a significant part on their susceptibility to some unpleasant subject matter which can be easily accessed over the internet (3). Worst of all, children are always prone to suffer almost all sorts o f health-related issues even at their very young age, and might as well become more indolent and insensible because of too much reliability and addiction on the advances of technology. The main essence of this essay seeks to point out those children less than 12 years old should not yet be introduced to the cyber world. Furthermore, it seeks to highlight the disadvantages of the internet to children as evidenced by their inappropriate exposure to the media. II. Internet Definition, Origin, and History The Internet is precisely the most profitable contribution and seemingly the best application to the usage of computers in this era of technological development. It mainly refers to the â€Å"interconnection of networks,† which permits other computers to communicate and transfer data through a system of multiple devices (Goel 196). The availability of information becomes more exclusive as the internet offers different services in just a matter of seconds. Although the internet c ontinues to exist in this highly advanced and complicated society, not everyone knows where and how it started. Goel notes that computer networking originated at the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) where it established the ARPANET in the 1970s that eventually developed the foundations of â€Å"internetworking† (197). Consequently, the stages that accompany the progress of the internet certainly made a quantum leap that made communication and interaction go across the borders of wireless connectivity. Purpose The frequent use of the internet severely revolutionized the current trend in the information technology (IT) industry where it created a much more complex and structured function in the delivery of the service it provides to its users. Hock argued that originally, the primary reason for the invention of the internet was plainly to design â€Å"a communications channel† which grants the comfort of data transmission where resources are readily available to the other users (2). In an academic research, conducted by the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), the internet simply evolved to make what used to be complicated and difficult become more convenient and satisfactory. In this Information Age, the internet apparently does not only serve to make communication favorable to most, but it too has gone a long way to exceed limitations. Demographics of Users The massive application of the intern

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

BHS 414 Cross Cultural Health Perspectives (Mod 1 CBT) Essay

BHS 414 Cross Cultural Health Perspectives (Mod 1 CBT) - Essay Example gradations to the way the treatment is carried out through various health organisations who carry out detailed statistical analysis to find out and finally implement the ‘most effective’ treatment regimen, so in a way, the whole system in quite mechanistic. On the contrary, Native American medicine is based on what the physician ‘feels’ is best for the person. And the patients are never referred to as cases. There is an effort made to understand the life force flowing within the person and understanding its interaction with the environment. There is a belief in the synchronicity of the whole universe of which we are a part. Efforts are directed towards understanding the environment of the person and his interaction with it. Allopathy focuses more on the physical plane, one reason why psychiatry fails miserably when it comes to treating some mental illnesses. Whereas native American medicine encompasses all the realms of existence including physical, mental, spiritual, ethereal- existence of some of which modern medicine even doubts. It goes beyond what the senses can perceive in the physical word so the word proof has limited meaning. Using the words in common parlance, the modern medicine is based on ‘scienceâ€℠¢ whereas native American medicine is based on ‘art’. Now there should be a pragmatic approach dealing with both broad, apparently different forms of healing, keeping the well being and good health of the people at large at the forefront. Referring to the case study in question here, Mr. Wolf and his wife should be given a balanced view point so that he can utilize the best of what both forms of medicine have on offer. As a health care provider first of all care should be taken to make sure that Mr. Wolf should not take a traditional medicine, which in the process of healing brings the levels of antibiotics to toxic levels for the body. This should be conveyed to the patient and he should be advised to properly inform the traditional healer

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Social Work Law and Organisational Context

Social Work Law and Organisational Context Introduction The law and organization context of social work is extremely important when looking at specific cases and scenarios. The aim of this essay is to examine two specific cases, one involving children and families and the other involving community care issues. In these cases the relevant issues regarding social work and law will be identified, and recommendations will be made regarding the assessment criteria that need to be met and what the likely outcome of the cases might be. This will be done by looking at relevant government legislation and case examples, as well as general social work and law practice. The first section will look at a case of Children and families, and examine the issues of significant harm and children in need in relation to the scenario. There will be a definition of these two concepts as they are laid out in the Children Act and Every Child Matters document, as well as recommendations on how best to assess and determine the outcome of this case. The second case will look at community care issues involving a disabled parent and elderly carer. The assessments regarding the welfare of the child and parent as well as any potential care issues will be looked at. This will involve consultation with the Children Act, the Human Rights Act, the Community Care Act and the Carer’s Act. Recommendations will be given regarding how to properly assess this situation and what benefits may be offered to the parties involved. Scenario 1 Children and Families Scenario: Working in Children’s social services, you receive a referral from a church worker about the Jones family. She says that the parents (18 and 19) are often under the influence of drink or drugs, that the children (2 and 4) are dirty and smelly and not being fed properly. You are asked to carry out an initial assessment. What is the role of the local authority when children are in need and if they are facing significant harm? What options does the law offer to ensure that these children are safe? In this situation, the first thing that needs to be referred to is the Children’s Acts of 1989, and of 2004 (OPSI, 1989 and 2004). These acts are the basis by which social workers determine how at risk children are in particular environments, and what the assessment criteria should be used when looking at such a case. In this case, the main issues are the definitions of ‘significant harm’ and ‘children in need’. Looking at the 1989 Children Act, we will start with the concept of significant harm. The concept of significant harm and its definition is referred to in section 47 of the 1989 Children Act. This says that the local authority is under a duty to investigate or create inquiries into the suffering of a child where there is cause to suspect that significant harm is being done to the child or significant harm is likely to befall the child (OPSI, 1989, s. 47). From this, a court can only make a supervision order or care order if the child is suffering or likely suffer significant harm, and this harm is caused by the lack of adequate parental care or control (OPSI, 1989, s. 31). In this case, ‘harm’ refers to ill-treatment such as physical and sexual abuse, as well as mental abuse, poor physical or mental health cause by the parent’s lack of care and impairment of health or development. These factors are compared to what a ‘normal’ child would be expected to have at a particular age (OPSI, 1989, S. 31(9-10)). However, there are no precise guidelines on what would constitute significant harm in each case. Despite this, it is fairly clear in this scenario that where alcohol and drugs are involved and the children are dirty, smelly and potentially malnourished, a duty to investigate is there. The children are being physically impaired at the very least with regards to their health, and the involvement of alcohol and drugs means that this is potentially being caused by the lack of parental care. In such a case, the family context would need to be looked at, as would the child’s development, any special needs the child has, and the exact nature of the harm and the adequacy of parental care. In this case the parents are both very young, but this alone is of course of no particular issue as discrimination laws prevent such discrimination of parental rights based on age. The most important things in this case would be to investigate and prove or disprove the claims about the parent’s alcohol and drug abuse, and also look at the exact state of health of the children. However, there is another concept to look at as well, regarding the nature of children in need. This definition is located in section 17 of the 1989 Children Act. This part of the Children Act shows where legal work and social work combine to form the assessment criteria for families (Tunstill, in Parton, 1997, pp. 40-43). The legal definition ‘Children in Need’ is that the child is unlikely to achieve or maintain or have the opportunity for a reasonable standard of health or development without provision of services from the local authority, and that the child’s health is likely to be impaired or further impaired without such services (Surrey County Council., 2008). In this case, it is not yet determined whether the children are suffering because of the parents, or whether there is some medical reason why the children are in a poor condition. However, if it is proven that the parents are abusing alcohol and drugs; this would most likely constitute a case of child ren in need or children with the likelihood of suffering significant harm. However, in such a case it is unlikely that a permanent care order would be given, and more likely that a temporary care order or supervision order would be put in place, giving the parents the chance to deal with their problems and raise their children properly. If the parents failed in this, then a permanent care order may be issued. There may also be police investigations in light of the allegations regarding illegal drug abuse. If when the children are initially assessed they appear to be in poor physical health, then it is likely that an emergency protection order will be put in place in order to protect the children from further harm in the short-term, whilst the parental and family situation is better assessed and looked at. This way the children will not be placed in further danger, and a more measured approach can take place with regards to the ability of the parents to look after the children (RPsych, 2008). If the children are taken away, then the first option for many Councils currently is to place the children with suitable relatives or friends. It is often found that children are happier and less distressed in such situations, particularly in the short-term. However, this is not always possible and if not a foster home will be assigned for the children should an emergency care order be put in place. The use of drugs and alcohol by the parents, if proven, is a strong indicating factor of danger to the child. In a study in the London area of 290 cases it has been found that nearly 1 third of cases involved substance misuse, and that these children were even more vulnerable than many of the others because of this. The children were generally very young, as in this case, and the parents had a variety of problems in addition to the substance misuse, either directly or indirectly linked to this problem. Therefore, this case must be looked at extremely carefully and all efforts made to safeguard the children (Department for Education and Skills (DfES), 2002, s. 2.16). This is particularly crucial because many studies have also shown that in many cases, the children were not fully safeguarded and not enough was done to protect the children from harm. Although this must not mean looking at the parents immediately as if they were guilty, it is important to fully and thoroughly assess the situation so that the children remain safe, as this is the number one priority (DfES, 2002, s. 2.11). It is clear in this case that investigation is warranted; as one such allegations are made there is a duty on the part of the local authority to investigate. However, in order for any action to be taken, the threshold for significant harm needs to be met. As mentioned before in this case it seems likely that significant harm might be occurring or likely to occur, but the threshold needs to be met, and this can only be determined by a detailed investigation of the family. This can prove difficult, as a study of 105 cases found that there were varying interpretations of significant harm, even with the guidelines set out in the Children Act. This can make it very difficult to determine what exactly constitutes significant harm, and whether or not action should be taken. However, it seems that being more cautious and putting the rights of the children first, without immediately determining the parents as guilty, is the most appropriate way to act in light of the guidelines (Brandon, Lewi s, and Thoburn, 2007, pp. 15-19). Giving parents ‘the benefit of the doubt’ or not looking deeply into the situation can prove extremely harmful, as was shown in the Victoria Climbie case. In light of this, the government has made sure that organizations are now much more integrated, and that the principle responsibility in such cases is the welfare of the children and making sure the children are safe. This means that staff can now more accurately and easily determine cases of abuse or ill-treatment, and they have the necessary support to follow through such investigations. This is certainly important in this case, as the abuse may be hard to determine, especially if the children are merely dirty or have hygiene issues rather than noticeable wounds or damage (Department of Health., 2003) One of the most difficult factors to decide is if the child is suffering significant harm from seeing violence committed by their parents, perhaps on each other rather than the child. Whilst this cannot yet be determined in this case, if the children themselves are unharmed then the harm caused by witnessing violence cannot be underestimated. In another study by Brandon and Lewis (2007), it was discovered that 49 of the 105 cases reviewed included children who witnessed violence, and in many cases the harm caused to the child was often overlooked or downgraded by the social work professional. Although in this case the circumstances may be different, because the children are already being reported as in poor physical health. However, this issue of witnessing violence must be considered an issue in light of the claims regarding alcohol and drug misuse. In this case, the allegations would require a full investigation of the family, to see whether the thresholds for significant harm and children in need have been reached. If this is the case, then the children will be fully examined, and should be put on a program of health improvement. This may involve removing the children from the parents for a period of time if their health is a real issue or the parents have alcohol and drug misuse problems. However, if this is not the case then a supervision order may be enough to improve the health of the children. If this does not look like improving matters, then more drastic care measures may be taken so as to make sure the children are safe. Whilst this is occurring, it needs to be made sure that all issues of discrimination are dealt with, particularly in the form of racial or age discrimination as these issues are often a problem in child safety assessments such as this. It must also be remembered that whilst the parents may be having problems at this time, if the parents can get support as well then any care placement or supervision order may be short-term, as the aim wherever possible is to keep children with their parents if they can remain safe and healthy in that environment (Bretherton, Huzzard, and Little, 2006). It must also be remembered that whilst the care and safety of the child is important, the parents have needs and rights too and traumatizing them unduly when a more appropriate measure might be an initial talk rather than a full investigation. The children should always come first, but if their parents are accused wrongly then the child’s needs are not being met (Spratt, 2000, pp. 611-615) Scenario 2 Community Care Scenario: Julia, 45 contacted her local disability action group to find out what support might be available to her. Her husband left the family home six months ago, shortly after Julie had given birth to a baby girl and received a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Julia’s sight has recently deteriorated and her mother, Anna who is 75, has been commuting thirty miles per day to provide general help around the home and support with the care of the baby. As the social worker/advocate taking Julia’s call how would you advise her? What is she entitled to from social services? What support might be available to the family? In this case, there is a delicate balancing act to be had between giving the disabled parent the right amount of support, making sure the child is adequately cared for, and providing support for the elderly carer. This involves looking at the legislation and guidelines laid out in the Community Care Act, and the Carer’s Act. Firstly, it must be decided whether or not the disability or health issue of the parent is separate from them being a parent, and does not impact on the quality of the life of the child. If this is the case, then the assessment for support is based on an adult assessment framework. However, if it is judged that the child is in need and the disability or health issue of the parent impacts on the well-being of the child, then an assessment must be made under the Children Act with regards to the child’s welfare. Firstly, the parent would be advised that they can be assessed by the NHS and Community Care Act framework to determine the level of support they require. This assessment will not only look at the needs of the disabled parent, but also the ability of the parent to take care of the child. This is included in section 47 of the Community Care Act, which states that a person will be assessed who has a disability, and their needs will be determined with regards to welfare and accommodation. This may involve an inspection of the home to see how it could be improved to meet the needs of the disabled parent, and also in this case the child (North Somerset Council., 2003). This assessment would also determine how much support the parent needs, and therefore how capable they are of looking after the child (OPSI, 1990, S. 47). In this case, it must be pointed out that the parent already requires care in order to look after the child, which at the moment is provided from her elderly mother. However, needing support in order to take better care of the child does not mean that the parent is incapable of looking after the child. However, because of the nature of the disability as something which is only like to get worse from a degenerative illness, an ongoing monitoring of the child’s well-being may well take place. This is so that the child can remain with the parent, but also remains safe should the condition of the parent deteriorate to a point where they can no longer provide adequate care for the child. The parent should be advised that as well as having their own situation looked at with regards to support, an assessment of the child’s care will also be done. It should be pointed out to the parent that this is in no way indicative that their child will be removed into care, but it helps the local authority to make sure the needs of the disabled parent and the child are looked after. The process will eventually lead to a care strategy being created that should allow for services that will help the parent to look after their child and also meet the needs of the adult. It is crucial that the adult is not discriminated against because they are disabled, and that it is not immediately assumed that they are incapable of looking after the child. Whilst the potential for degenerative blindness in the parent is worrying, with adequate support they should still be able to look after their child effectively. This is important because a number of studies have shown that disabled parents are often treated poorly, with their rights as parents looked down upon and their needs not met. A disabled person has the right to have a family and get support for this family, within reasonable limits, and as long as the child can be taken care of so that they are not in need. This is covered by the Human Rights Act of 1998, and means that discrimination against disabled parents is prohibited. In these cases, the children protection agencies and adult care agencies should work together to provide support for the adult so that they can best look after themselves and their child (DirectGov, 2008). The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2003) found that disabled parents often face the assumption that their disability is placing the child at risk. It should be made clear to parents that they are entitled to assistance with parenting tasks from adult community care services. It is important that the rights and needs of the parents are looked after, because by doing this they will be able to look after their child. One other problem is that much of the emphasis is put on ‘Young Carer’s whereby children who are capable will help to care for their parents when they can. They of course receive support, but the overemphasis on this side means that the needs of the parents are overlooked and perhaps too much responsibility is placed on the children. In this case such a young carer is not possible as the child is still only a baby (Wates, 2007). Another issue here is the care being given by the elderly mother of the disabled parent. At 75 years old it is certainly not ideal that she be in charge of caring for the baby and the parent, not because she is incapable but because it is a lot of strain for someone elderly to have to go through. However, if this is only to be a short-term measure or partial relief along with other support services, then the elderly mother can claim support and benefits as a carer under the Carers and Disabled Children Act (OPSI, 2000) and the Carers Act (OPSI, 1995). The carer will be assessed to see if they are qualified or capable of being a care giver, and support will be given to them in order to help carry out this duty. Although in this case it is more likely that this would only be as a short-term or emergency measure, given the age of the potential carer and the fact a young baby and a disabled parent need care. The most important factor here is to make sure that both the adult assessment and child assessment are carried out with the desire to make sure the adult gets the support they need to look after themselves and their child adequately (Solihull NHS., 2006). In this case, one of the best ways to gain support might be through the use of direct payments to the disabled parent, thereby allowing them the chance to arrange support that suits them and their child. The assessment will give the parent a chance to understand the ways in which support can help them, and the direct payment scheme can help them to remain independent (Bytheway et al, 2002, pp. 341-343). Conclusion In both cases, the most important factors are to make sure that the assessment criteria are fulfilled, and that adequate support is given so that both parents and children can remain together in a safe and stable environment. In the first case, the welfare of the child must be of paramount importance, and any risk to the child should be put first. However, it must also be made sure that every effort is made for the parents and children to remain together if the parents can receive support to improve their care giving abilities (Whitney, 2004, pp. 52-55). In the second case, the most important factor is to make sure that the disabled parent gets the support they need and, if possible, continue to look after their child effectively with this support. If these procedures are implemented then both parents and children will be able to remain safe and receive the support they need. Bibliography General: Butler, I., Butler, I.G., and Roberts, G., 2003. Social Work with Children and Families: Getting Into Practice. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Millam, R., 2002. Anti-Discriminatory Practice: a guide for workers in childcare and education. Continuum International Publishing Group. Parton, N., 1997. Child Protection and Family Support: Tensions, Contradictions and Possibilities. Routledge. Whitney, B., 2004. Protecting Children: A Handbook for Teachers and School Managers. London: RoutledgeFalmer. Scenario 1: Brandon, M.B., and Lewis, A., 2007. Significant harm and childrens experiences of domestic violence. Child and Family Social Work, 1(1), pp. 33-42. Brandon, M.B., Lewis, A., and Thoburn, J., 2007. The Children Act definition of significant harm—interpretations in practice. Health and Social Care in the Community, 4(1), pp. 11-20. Bretherton, H., Huzzard, S., and Little, P., 2006. Family Justice Research Digest, Issue 1. Available at: Department for Education and Skills (DfES)., 2002. Children Act Report 2002. Available at: Department of Health., 2003. Keeping Children Safe: The Government’s Response to the Victoria Climbià © Inquiry Report and Joint Chief Inspectors’ Report Safeguarding Children. Available at: Department of Health., 2008. Department of Health Website. (Online). Available at: (Accessed 17th August 2008). Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI)., 1989. Children Act 1989. Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI)., 2004. Children Act 2004. Available at: RPsych., 2008. Overview of the Children Act 1989. (Online). (Accessed 18th August 2008). Spratt, T., 2000. Decision making by senior social workers at point of first referral. British Journal of Social Work, 30, pp. 597-618. Surrey County Council., 2008. What does the term children in need mean? (Online). Available at: (Accessed 16th August 2008). Scenario 2: Bytheway, B., et al. 2002. Understanding Care, Welfare and Community: A Reader. London: Routledge. DirectGov., 2008. Rights, legislation and disabled parents. (Online). Available at: (Accessed 17th August 2008). Joseph Rowntree Foundation., 2003. Disabled parents are undermined by poor support and negative attitudes, says task force. Available at: North Somerset Council., 2003. Parents with Care Needs. Available at: Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI)., 1990. National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 (c. 19). Available at:   Available at: Solihull NHS., 2006. Supporting disabled parents – Solihull MBC inter-directorate protocol and staff guidance. Available at:

Friday, October 25, 2019

Tennessee Williams :: essays research papers fc

â€Å"Everything in his life is in his plays, and everything in his plays is in his life,† Elia Kazan said of Tennessee Williams. Williams, who is considered to be the greatest Southern playwright, inserted many of his own personal experiences into his writing, because he â€Å"found no other means of expressing things that seemed to demand expression† (Magill 1087). He stated that his primary sources of inspiration for his works were his family, the South, and the multiple writers he encountered in his life. Therefore, he presented American theatergoers with unforgettable characters, an incredible vision of life in the South, and a deeper meaning of the concept he called â€Å"poetic realism† (Classic Notes 1). Poetic Realism exists as the repeated use of everyday objects, so that they would produce a symbolic meaning. Often, Tennessee Williams’ writing was considered to be melodramatic and hysterical; however, it is the haunting and powerful life experiences included in Williams’ writing that makes him one of the greatest playwrights in the history of the American drama.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Thomas Lanier Williams began his life March 26, 1911 as the second child of Cornelius and Edwina Williams. His father, Cornelius, managed a shoe warehouse and was a stern businessman. Cornelius’ bouts with drinking and gambling (habits that Tennessee later inherited) made him increasingly abusive as Tennessee grew older. Tennessee, his mother, his older sister, Rose, and his younger brother, Walter, lived with Tennessee’s maternal grandparents until 1918, when his father was transferred to his firm’s main office in St. Louis. Although, he began living with his father at age seven, his father remained emotionally absent throughout his life. His mother, however, smothered Tennessee with her aggressive showings of affection. The move to St. Louis was shattering to Tennessee, Rose, and Edwina. The change from a small, provincial town to a big city was very difficult for the lower class family. Because of the ridicule from other children, her father’s abuse, and her mother’s unhappiness, Rose was destined to spend most of her life in mental institutions and she quickly became emotionally and mentally unstable. Edwina allowed Rose’s doctor to perform a frontal lobotomy on Rose; this event greatly disturbed Williams who cared for Rose throughout most of her adult life. Tennessee remained aloof from his younger brother, because his father repeatedly favored Walter over both of the older children. His parents often engaged in violent arguments and Tennessee, Rose, and Walter repeatedly encouraged their mother to leave their abusive father. Williams family life was full of tension and despair; however, he said he found therapy in writing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Unable to bear his life at home, Tennessee began his lifelong

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Effect of Globalization in the Management of Apple Inc Essay

Efficient planning is critical for any organization; leadership ought to establish an imaginative path for any organization. The management is tasked with ensuring that the plans are feasible at any given moment. In an environment that is closed, apart from the establishment of vision, this may be a relatively simple process since the variables that affect implementation are predictable and mostly fall into categories that are easy to identify (Tiffany, John, & Tommy, 2011). This process is complicated by globalization. Apple, Inc. is faced with this challenge when planning to meet the needs of its diverse customer base and environments. Apple, Inc. has to grapple with the challenge of organizing personnel from different regions who have different cultural backgrounds. In managing the personnel, the company has to attain a balance between the many competing and diverse factors (Ercan, 2012). For instance, there have been complaints about imbalance of salaries for personnel from different regions. In the management leadership role, motivating the personnel call for good leadership skills. The management of Apple, Inc. has had to adjust policies and actions in consideration of factors like physical ability, gender, and ethnicity. Globalization has brought about a workforce that adds the factors of culture and language to the dilemma (Ercan, 2012). Coming up with policies which consider all these factors necessitate a high level of sensitivity. Controlling of the competing factors in different regions has become a major concern for Apple, Inc. The company is finding it a challenge to control the different aspects of production to meet the clients’ needs in terms of producing high quality products (Tiffany, John, & Tommy, 2011). Control of the company’s resources to ensure sustained growth in different regions the company operates in is also a major concern.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ethical Framework

What does it mean to be ethical? What does it mean to be ethical? Ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos. Ethics to me can be defined as always doing the right thing all the time. Everyone has their own moral principles that decide his/her behavior. Everyone is completely different in how they were raised and taught in what was right and wrong. As stated by Santa Clara University, â€Å"ethics refers to standards of behavior that tell us how human beings ought to act in the many situations in which they find themselves-as friends, parents, children, citizens, businesspeople, teachers, professionals, and so on† (Santa Clara University, 2010).A lot of people will get ethics confused with it being the same as their feelings. In fact, it is totally opposite. It is that way because when people generally get angry with something or someone and then they will typically follow that up with doing something bad. There are certain ethics people should follow in their everyday lives. Whether you know it or not but if you drive every day and you choose to drive the speed limit, not to commit murder or even not to rob a bank you are following the rules and regulations that were implemented by our government.I know from a personal level about doing the right thing and being ethical when one of my friends was working a bakery. My friend left that job and took the recipe and started making her own cookies and went out on the street and sold them cookies to the bakery’s current customers and future customers. Not to mention this was the bakery’s best cookie that was voted on by its customers. Pretty soon the owner realized his sales were going down and quickly realized that it was his former employee selling his product without the benefit.He eventually filed a lawsuit against my friend. Now what my friend did was not only fair and right but was also considered unethical. My friend had pay a fee back to her former boss and had to give up the recipe and not do that again. In my everyday life I choose to be ethical in everything I do. I choose to do the right things when it comes to doing something that I know I shouldn’t be doing. One thing that comes to mind of me not being ethical was when I was not of the legal age to drink alcohol. I know that I would drink every now and then when I was in high school.I thought it was the cool thing to do and hang out with my friends while I did it. Then when I came to Brevard it got worse being around a lot of my friends that would peer pressure me. Growing up I had two great parents that taught me to always do the right thing. While doing it I knew it would be ethical to not pick a beer up and drink it seeing how the law stated that you had to be at least twenty one years of age to consume it. My parents have always told me, â€Å"Would you still do what you’re doing if I was sitting right behind you? But also on the other hand I do not consider it being unethical if I were to do something that didn’t really have that much harm, like for example lying to a friend. According to Cornell University, â€Å"Many acts that would be widely condemned as unethical are not prohibited by law† (Legal Information Institute, 1992). When deciding on what would be considered ethical and non-ethical, you would have to use your judgment of how you were raised to determine the certain actions. I know for a fact that when and if I have kids I will definitely raise them the way my grandparents and my parents have raised me.If I can do that then I will know for a fact that I will be proud of my kids and they will be properly raised. REFERENCES Legal Information Institute. (1992). Retrieved September 9, 2012, from Cornell University Law School: http://www. law. cornell. edu/wex/ethics Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2005, December 20). Retrieved September 9, 2012, from Personal Identity and Ethics: http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/identity-ethics/ Santa C lara University. (2010). A Framework for Thinking Critically. Retrieved September 8, 2012, from http://www. scu. edu/ethics/practicing/decision/framework. html

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Write an Outline in MLA Format

How to Write an Outline in MLA Format How to Write an Outline in MLA Format Lately, there has been a lot of buzz around MLA format or style of writing. MLA stands for Modern Language Association. In the Modern Language Association (MLA) style an outline is not strictly required which means you may choose not to write one. However, you should know that an essay with an outline is better understood and accepted not only by the audience, but also by your instructor when it comes to grading you and acknowledging your work. So, our suggestion is to read this article carefully because it will explain you in details how to write an outline in MLA format. First, of course, you have to choose a thesis and research it well in order to write a good essay of any kind. In Modern Language Association (MLA) format you have to place the thesis above your outline. You can also type the word thesis with capital letters just above it. It will be good if you can state your thesis in one sentence. It has to present the topic and your opinion on it. You can also use comparison or contrast when starting to declare your thesis. It is very important for the MLA outline to provide examples, facts and ideas that support your thesis. So, after you have researched your thesis well, pick the strongest evidence which supports it first and the rest organize depending on its strength. Make a draft of your outline, it will help you reevaluate once more the information you have gathered. You may decide to add or delete something. Drafting an outline is important because it will show on early stage whether you have missed out important ideas and examples or you have used superfluous information. It is the supporting information, ideas and points that will create the main outlook of your essay. They will either make your thesis sound reliable and trustworthy or not. That is why careful research and initial drafting are extremely important. Writing an outline in MLA format, of course, has a few more general specifics. For the main ideas in your outline you must use Roman numbers followed by period, for information that clarifies the main ideas you have to use capital letters. Below come the Arabic numbers, then lower case letters follow and at the end numbers in parenthesis are used. Keep the different sections of your outline as parallel as possible. Below is a sample structure of MLA outline format. How to write an outline in MLA format Thesis: The importance of an extensive research when writing a paper is essential if you want your work to be acknowledged and accepted properly by the audience and the instructor and it is absolutely the good research that will make your paper sound convincingly, trustworthy and will be written in a professional manner. I. Research well the thesis you have chosen A. Find the strongest arguments that will support your thesis B. Find debatable counter arguments C. Think of a personal story that proves your thesis II. Make a draft on your outline A. Revaluate your thesis and arguments for the last time 1. Delete arguments that may sound unconvincingly 2. Organize your arguments by strength B. Check the reliability of the arguments you have chosen for the final time 1. Proofread the outline carefully a. Remove any grammatical or contextual mistakes (1) Read your outline and consider it for one last time There’s also one more type of outlining, although it’s rarely used; it is called a decimal one. It is very similar to the one described above, but the only difference is that it uses only Arabic numbers. For example: 1.0. Research well the thesis you have chosen 1.1. Find the strongest argument that will support your thesis 1.2. Find debatable counter arguments 1.3. Think of personal story that proves your thesis A well structured outline will give your whole essay a feeling of logical organization and coherent attitude. If you have trouble outlining the main topic and subtopic just ask yourself where an idea in question can be added or if it starts a whole new discussion. It is good to try to make all of the entries in the outline parallel. If you have done all of the above, writing not only an outline in MLA format but also the whole essay should be quite easy.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Costo, requisitos y documentos para renovar DACA

Costo, requisitos y documentos para renovar DACA Los muchachos migrantes indocumentados que han tenido alguna vez DACA aprobado pueden solicitar su renovacià ³n por decisià ³n de varias sentencias judiciales, a pesar de la orden del presidente Donald Trump de finalizar ese programa. DACA es un permiso que permite vivir temporalmente en Estados Unidos a jà ³venes migrantes indocumentados que llegaron al paà ­s siendo nià ±os y que reà ºnen una serie de requisitos. La obtencià ³n de DACA abre la puerta a la obtencià ³n de un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social, permiso de trabajo, licencia de manejar, etc., pero no es un camino hacia la tarjeta de residencia permanente, conocida como green card. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre los requisitos para solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA, quà © documentos deben presentarse al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), cul es el costo y posibles casos para pedir una exencià ³n del pago y, finalmente, con cunta antelacià ³n se debe enviar la peticià ³n de renovacià ³n y cunto tiempo se demoran en contestar.  ¿Quià ©nes pueden renovar DACA?: Requisitos Para tener derecho para solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA es obligatorio cumplir los siguientes requisitos. En primer lugar, tener o haber tenido DACA aprobado. En otras palabras, en la actualidad, no se puede solicitar este permiso por primera vez. Tampoco se puede solicitar un advance parole, que es un permiso para viajar fuera de Estados Unidos y regresar y que cuando gobernaba el presidente Barack Obama sà ­ que se podà ­a pedir. En segundo lugar, es obligatorio no haber salido de Estados Unidos a fecha del 15 de agosto de 2012 o posteriormente, a menos que se tuviera un advance parole que lo permitiese. En tercer lugar, es requisito haber residido permanentemente en los Estados Unidos desde la fecha que se solicità ³ DACA por primera vez. Y, finalmente, tambià ©n es requisito no haber sido condenado por una felonà ­a, ni falta importante –lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como significant misdemeanor– ni por 3 o ms faltas regulares. Tampoco pueden solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA los muchachos considerados como un peligro para la seguridad nacional o pà ºblica. En este à ºltimo apartado estn considerados los miembros de las pandillas. Segà ºn el National Immigration Law Center, es altamente recomendable para los muchachos indocumentados contactar con un abogado migratorio de AILA o con un representante acreditado por el Board of Immigration Appeals antes de solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA si estn en una de las siguientes situaciones: Ha sido arrestadoTiene una acusacià ³n pendienteTiene una citacià ³n judicialHa sido condenado por delito o faltaTiene una orden de deportacià ³n, ha firmado una salida voluntariaTiene un caso de inmigracià ³n cerrado administrativamenteTiene abierto un proceso de deportacià ³n o de expulsià ³n En estos casos mencionados, la solicitud de renovacià ³n de DACA podrà ­a llamar la atencià ³n de las autoridades migratorias sobre las circunstancias del solicitante y colocarle en situacià ³n de prioridad de deportacià ³n. Para evitar estos riesgos es recomendable consultar el caso con un abogado migratorio. Tramitacià ³n para solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA y documentos necesarios Hay dos clases de tramitacià ³n para solicitar la renovacià ³n del caso. Asà ­, deben utilizar los documentos que se utilizaron para solicitar DACA por primera vez todos aquellos muchachos cuyo DACA hubiera expirado antes del 5 de septiembre de 2016. Asimismo, deben seguir ese mismo procedimiento los que tuvieron alguna vez DACA y les fue terminado por una decisià ³n de USCIS y los muchachos cuyo DACA fue inicialmente aprobado por ICE. Los documentos para solicitar la renovacià ³n en esos tres casos son los siguientes: Forma 821DForma I-765, para el permiso de trabajoForma I-765WCopia por delante y por detrs del à ºltimo permiso de trabajoDos fotos tipo pasaporte tomadas en los à ºltimos 30 dà ­as antes de enviar solicitud de renovacià ³n.Todos los documentos que demuestran que se reà ºnen los requisitos para DACA en relacià ³n a edad, identidad, residencia en Estados Unidos y educacià ³n o servicio militar. Por otro lado, los muchachos con DACA con fecha de expiracià ³n del 5 de septiembre de 2016 o posterior pueden aplicar para renovar enviando los siguientes documentos. Forma 821D, dejar en blanco la parte que dice for inicial request onlyForma I-765Forma I-765WCopia de anverso y reverso de à ºltimo permiso de trabajo2 fotos tipo pasaporte tomadas en los à ºltimos 30 dà ­asAdjuntar documentos nuevos si ha habido arrestos, detenciones, inicio procedimiento de deportacià ³n, etc. y no se han aportado previamente. En todos los casos de renovacià ³n deben utilizarse los formularios ms recientes, que pueden obtenerse gratuitamente en la pgina oficial de USCIS y verificar que se rellena la casilla en la que se solicita la fecha de expiracià ³n del permiso DACA. USCIS puede solicitar informacià ³n adicional o puede contactar con otras agencias del gobierno para verificar que no se ha mentido en la solicitud de renovacià ³n de DACA. En cuando a quà © oficina de USCIS se debe enviar la solicitud, depende del lugar de residencia del solicitante. Se aconseja utilizar correo certificado para hacer mejor seguimiento del paquete y tambià ©n es aconsejable incluir el formulario G-1145 para recibir confirmacià ³n digital de que ha sido aceptado por USCIS. Costo de renovar DACA y posibles exenciones de pago El costo actual para renovar DACA est fijado en $495. Si no se puede pagar se pueden solicitar prà ©stamos o becas como la de United We Dream. Adems, USCIS permite en casos excepcionales solicitar la exencià ³n del pago a las personas que se encuentren en alguna de las siguientes circunstancias. Menores de 18 aà ±os en foster care, desamparados o sin apoyo familiar y con ingresos inferiores al 150% de la là ­nea de pobreza.Incapacitados crà ³nicos con ingresos inferiores al 150% de la là ­nea de pobrezaPersonas con deudas superiores a $10.000 en el à ºltimo aà ±o por gastos mà ©dicos para sà ­ mismas o familiares inmediatos y con ingresos inferiores al 150% de la là ­nea de la pobreza. En estos casos, debe enviarse a USCIS antes de solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA una carta en inglà ©s con documentos que apoyen el caso y enviarla a: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration ServicesAttn: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Fee Exemption Request20 Massachusetts Ave., NW4th Floor, Suite 4300MSC 2300Washington, DC 20529 Si USCIS aprueba la exencià ³n, debe incluirse la carta en la solicitud de renovacià ³n. Cundo debe enviarse la solicitud de renovacià ³n de DACA En la actualidad, USCIS recomienda enviar la solicitud de renovacià ³n entre 120 y 150 dà ­as antes de la fecha de expiracià ³n y se est demorando entre 3 y 5 meses en tramitarlas, si bien hay casos en los que ha tardado menos. Cabe preguntarse si es aconsejable enviar la solicitud de renovar antes de los 150 dà ­as aconsejables teniendo en cuenta la situacià ³n voltil que se vive. Y es que la supervivencia de DACA depende de resoluciones judiciales. Hasta ahora principalmente dos sentencias han permitido que el programa siga adelante, aunque en una versià ³n limitada: Regents of the University of California et al v. Department of Homeland Security al. y NAACP v. Trump. Por el contrario, Texas v. Nielsen es una amenaza. En este contexto de gran incertidumbre por lo que deparar el futuro solicitar la renovacià ³n antes de 150 dà ­as de su expiracià ³n puede tener sentido. Por ejemplo, si un permiso DACA tiene fecha de expiracià ³n del 30 de septiembre de 2019 y se solicita su renovacià ³n el 31 de enero de ese aà ±o, puede suceder que USCIS la apruebe en mayo de 2019 y, de esa forma, està © dando un permiso de trabajo con validez de dos aà ±os, es decir, mayo de 2021. Si DACA fuera definitivamente terminado antes de septiembre de 2019 eso quiere decir que se abrà ­an ganado casi dos aà ±os con permiso para trabajar. Pero lo cierto es que no se sabe quà © va a pasar y en el caso de que DACA fuera terminado tampoco se sabe si USCIS permitirà ­a que los permisos de trabajo siguieran vigentes, si se tramitarà ­an las solicitudes ya enviadas pero todavà ­a no tramitadas o si simplemente se cortarà ­an de raà ­z todos los beneficios y, adems, se perderà ­a el dinero de la cuota de $495 porque USCIS podrà ­a no regresarla. Por todo ello se aconseja consultar con un abogado en el caso de pedir la renovacià ³n de DACA con una antelacià ³n superior a 150 dà ­as a la fecha de expiracià ³n del permiso que actualmente se tiene. Renovar DACA: requisitos, documentos, costo y cundo enviar solicitud Los muchachos indocumentados que llegaron a Estados Unidos siendo nià ±os podrà ­an continuar beneficindose del permiso conocido como DACA que autoriza a vivir en el paà ­s y permite la obtencià ³n de un permiso de trabajo. ¿Quià ©nes pueden aplicar por DACA por primera vez?: NADIE ¿Quià ©nes pueden renovar DACA?: los muchachos con DACA aprobado, los que tuvieron el permiso pero les expirà ³ y aquellos que tambià ©n lo tuvieron pero les fue cancelado por USCIS. ¿Quià ©nes deben consultar con un abogado antes de presentar solicitud de renovacià ³n? Muchachos con sentencias condenatorias por delitos o faltas, acusados por hechos criminales, con citaciones judiciales, considerados un riesgo para la seguridad nacional o pà ºblica, con casos abiertos de deportacià ³n, orden de deportacià ³n o expulsià ³n, salida voluntaria firmada, caso de inmigracià ³n cerrado administrativamente, etc. ¿Cul es el costo de renovar DACA?: $495. En algunos casos es posible solicitar e xencià ³n del pago. ¿Cundo enviar solicitud de renovacià ³n?: USCIS recomienda enviarla entre 120 y 150 dà ­as antes de la expiracià ³n del permiso actual. Se est demorando unos 120 dà ­a en resolver. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para casos concretos.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Chemistry Study Tips

Chemistry Study Tips Studying chemistry can be stressful and feel overwhelming. There is no magic formula for learning chemistry, but you can develop an effective strategy for success. Whether youre in middle school, high school or college, these simple steps will get you on the right track. Basically it involves not getting behind, doing your own work, and not psyching yourself out: Dont procrastinate!Cramming does not equal learning. If you wait until the night before a test to start studying you will suffer, your grades will suffer, etc. Chemistry problems take time to work. Chemistry concepts take time to master.Dont ProcrastinateIts worth repeating! In chemistry you build from one concept onto the next. You need a solid knowledge base to progress.Try Flash CardsHey, they are used in elementary and primary school because FLASHCARDS WORK. Some of the information gets learned while making the cards and the rest can be learned during practice. You get to switch around the order in which you view topics, which is something most notebooks dont provide. Get some index cards and give it a try!Try a HighlighterUse it judiciously. The goal is not to turn your book or notes fluorescent. Most texts already have important concepts in bold typeface. Unless your teacher is very unusual, he or she will almost always mention likely test questions, answers, and concepts. High light them! Some teachers take questions from a test bank, but those who write their own are usually keeping a mental tally of concepts while teaching. Use MnemonicsWhat you are doing here is taking the first letters of words in a sequence you are trying to memorize and making a phrase from them to serve as a memory aid. Example: the sequence of the first few elements in the periodic table H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne could be (well, the one that came to my mind was actually dirty, which is easier to remember) Hi Henry, Lookin Big, Bad, Certainly Nasty, Old Friend - Not! Ok, it isnt great literature. One popular mnemonic device is for metric prefixes: Kilo- Hecto- Deca- Meter (liter, gram) deci- centi- milli- Kangaroos Hopping Down Mountains Drinking Chocolate Milk. Also, such phrases are even easier to memorize if you put them to music.  Work the ProblemsYou work through the example problem in the book or in class just fine. Great! That doesnt mean you understand how to apply the formulas when the conditions or wording changes. Its vital to work problems. I know it seems like a good idea to divide problem sets with classmates or to put down answers from the back of the book when youre short on time, but you truly need to work those problems to practice the skills you need for tests and beyond. Know Your TextDo you have a glossary? Answers to problems in the back? Self-quizzes? Appendices full of useful information? Find that out sooner rather than later. Learn your way around your text. Use the glossary. You cant communicate about a subject without learning the terminology.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Suleymaniye Mosque istanbul Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Suleymaniye Mosque istanbul - Essay Example The edifice was the 7 years masterpiece work led by the Ottoman engineer, Mimar Sinan in the year 1550 to 1557. Mimar Sinan studied with great interest one of the model edifices, the Hagia Sophia Church. Hagia Sophia Church is the Byzantine church of Divine Wisdom which was used by the Ottomans as prayer house at the onset of occupancy in Turkey (Jackh, 1952; Turkey, 2006). However, the Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem constructed in 643 apparently set the primary standards of subsequent Mosque architectures in the Islamic sphere of influence (Hitchcock, Lloyd, Rice, Lynton, Boyd, and Carden, 1963). Departing from the four sided building of the Kaaba which was constructed by Abraham and Ysmael, peace is upon them, the Dome of the Rock Mosque is shape in a rotunda (Hitchcock et al., 1963) on top of the hill. During the Ottoman reign over Turkey, from 1288 to 1923, the organized sultanate took over properties which were left behind by the Byzantine monarchs. A few of these are the buildings with its arts and architecture. The structures as well as the adornments very well portrayed influences not only of Byzantine art but also from the Seljuk Turks. The Seljuks' ruled Turkey from 1071 to the 1300th's. The Seljuks' introduced some arts and architectural designs they must have picked up from Persia and Anatolia. Although some of the structures were refurbished from one set of colonizer to the next, some served as models for the construction of buildings that were called Ottoman Mosques (Hitchcock et al., 1963). Suleymaniye imperial Mosque is one of the legendary architectural model output that exist up to date. The Mosque was named after Suleiman the sultan of the era. The structure was adorned with 4 very prominent external minarets, dome shape roof, the prayer hall, iwan, sahn, and garden (Essential Architecture, Asia-West, 2009). The floor plan reveals a square architectural structure (Hitchcock et al., 1963). Source: Essential Architecture, Asia-West, 2009 Source: Title: World Architecture: An Illustrated History; Publisher

Friday, October 18, 2019

Irresponsible drinking - is it getting worse Essay

Irresponsible drinking - is it getting worse - Essay Example More than one fifth of women and one third of men consume more than the daily recommended alcohol levels (OCR 2011, p. 2). People are also more concerned about irresponsible drinking because young adults and children are beginning to drink at a much younger age than ever before. Statistics further indicate that out of every secondary school student, one drinks alcohol more than once a week. Even the government is concerned that the drinking rates, especially among minors, have reached worrying levels. Parents, friends, and licensed premises have been largely blamed for contributing to irresponsible drinking among children (OCR 2011, p. 2). One proposal that has been made to deal with irresponsible drinking entails appointing auditors to examine how the alcohol industry abides by the codes of practice that check on responsible retailing. Change of laws has also been proposed to force alcohol suppliers into line. Increasing taxes on alcohol prices so as to discourage irresponsible drinking has also been proposed. There have been campaigns about the dangers of abusing alcohol, aimed at discouraging irresponsible drinking (OCR 2011, p.

Critically evaluate the ways that the HR function could play a more Essay

Critically evaluate the ways that the HR function could play a more strategic role in the organisation - Essay Example By stepping away from subordinate-based practices and theories, the human resources manager develops practices that are geared for long-term success as it relates to the tactical side of objective fulfilment and long-run market orientation. The HR manager can take a more strategic role in the organisation by focusing on line management, executive leadership, new training development, and involvement in change management principles in an effort to expand their presence in the organisation as an HR leader. The strategy angle â€Å"The overall purpose of HRM is to ensure that the organisation is able to achieve success through people† (Armstrong 2006: 11). Success does not necessarily pertain to human capital needs and motivational practice development, it involves market orientation, market position of the business, operational efficiency, general staff productivity, and development of competitive strategies to gain cost and human capital advantages. Therefore, to become more st rategically oriented, the HR manager needs to expand their organisational presence to include executive management involvement and line management education to achieve competitive success using people as resources. In most organisations, change is a constant scenario. New technology implementation or procedures that relate to attaining market profitability (as two examples) dictate a need for improving change leadership and gaining employee/management support. In a situation where the business requires new information technology, changes to how employees conduct their job roles is inevitable, usually on the back of workflow redesign or complete changes to job responsibility. Kappelman, McKeeman and Zhang (2009) identify that when IT projects are part of change management, failures occur due to weak team commitment, lack of senior executive support, or team members who lack the requisite skills and competencies needed to complete the project effectively. In most cases, large-scale im plementation of new technologies consist of months if not years of labour investment and contribute significantly to cost reduction activities or improving process flow related to meeting customer demands. This is where the HR manager can take a more strategic role in the business in promoting change management principles to meet strategic goals. When change is required, management is described as â€Å"undeserving victims of irrational and dysfunctional responses of employees† (Ford, Ford and D’Amelio 2008: 362). The human resources manager can become more involved with the team functioning during the implementation phases of the new technology launch, promoting more effective interpersonal relationship development and team functioning. Weak team commitment may be stemming from employees, executives or mid-tier management due to the illogical and dysfunctional inherent psychology of the team members. By applying subordinate-based practices to higher-level individuals involved in project teams, the HR manager is promoting a more strategic angle that leads to more positive information technology and process improvement outcomes. Outside of technology scenarios, the HR manager can

Significance of the Dog in J.M. Coetzee's disgrace Essay

Significance of the Dog in J.M. Coetzee's disgrace - Essay Example This is Coetzee’s first book that deals explicitly with South Africa’s post apartheid scenario, that paints a cheerless picture and comforts no one, no matter to which race or nationality they belong. Coetzee’s primary theme in ‘Disgrace’ revolves around a man who is broken down and reduced to almost nothing, but finally searches and finds a small speck of redemption by way of his acceptance of the realities of life and death. The protagonist in the story is Professor David Lurie and Coetzee’s notion of life with its harsh realities and brutal tyranny being replaced by brutal anarchy are reflected through his protagonist David in South Africa, a place filled with social and political conflicts. Coetzee’s scintillating novel makes use of a metaphorical device such as the use of different animals and in particular dogs to bring out the developments of his characters. Dogs play a stylistic role in this novel as it is portrayed as being a m eans of protection for the Whites. During his childhood, Coetzee’s mother created a great impact on him where dogs were concerned. It is her influence which was a major contributing factor for Coetzee to use dogs as the defining factor in his novel ‘Disgrace’. His mother often reflected on her past life which included the â€Å"walks with the dogs†. ... David is a divorced, middle-aged scholar of Romantic poetry, who during the Mandela Era, became a victim of "the great rationalization". His university was replaced by a Technical University at Cape Town where he teaches lessons in â€Å"Communicative skills† that he finds rather useless and nonsensical. The dignity he has there, is short lived as he is caught having a relationship with one of his poetry students and is dismissed from the university. Coetzee describes him as â€Å"a mad old man sitting among the dogs singing to himself†; a man who invests his last savings into a pickup truck to pursue his work as a dog-undertaker. David further sinks in disgrace when he patronizes a prostitute and buys her gifts, but in the course of this relationship he becomes such a nonentity that she refuses to see him. He imagines her and her friends shuddering when they see him just as  "as one shudders at a cockroach in a washbasin in the middle of the night". David contemplate s asking his doctor to castrate him in the way one neuters a domestic animal. In Coetzee’s story this is the first reference made between human and animal existence. One of Coetzee’s striking techniques is to explore what it is to be human, which is deftly brought out through his characters by placing them in extreme and compelling situations. The protagonist David has to experience and endure physical torment and psychological abasement. He falls deep into disgrace and flees Cape Town to his daughter Lucy’s remote farm. Lucy hears his story and very matter- of- factly tells him, "This is the only life there is. Which we share with animals." This is another one of the comparisons made in this story between humans and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Addressing goals for the DNP program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Addressing goals for the DNP program - Essay Example Every person pursuing a career needs to increase his or her skills in order to give better output. In a nursing career it is no different. However, the advancement of studies plays an important role not just in additional skills or knowledge, but also for the nurse to be able to provide better care to patients within a population, as well as to be able to function as a leader or one of the leaders within health and nursing organizations. To be able to achieve these end results, the Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program created goals that would be teaching nurses knowledge that give more emphasis to: acquiring an advanced degree of skills used in a multitude of situations; being able to use the results of nursing research in applications as needed; playing an active role in leadership of an organization; and being proactive in the implementation as well as creation of health policies that would be inclusive to all patients. At present, I plan to pursue higher education as an adv anced nurse practitioner (ANP) in the DNP program, and with these goals of DNP in mind, I plan to become fully equipped in advancing my skills and knowledge for my nursing career, and share my knowledge with students if given the chance. In the course of nursing duties, it is required that a nurse be fully prepared in all situations, and to act according to the best course of action, especially when the patient’s life is at stake.

Exam Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exam Skills - Essay Example If the teacher does not provide notes that are clear enough to understand, it is the student's responsibility to go and ask the teacher for clarification. Most reasonable teachers are happy to provide clarification for the student. Students must ask questions until everything is completely and one hundred percent clear. Once the student knows and understands what needs to be revised, he or she can then proceed to the next step in the process. The second part of the revision process is to go forth with the revision. The student should not rush through the process. He or she must look over the work carefully and take care to revise every mistake that is outlined. . Paying attention to detail is crucial in this step of the process because if the student misses anything, then the revision will prove to be ineffective. The third part of the revision process is to look over the work carefully another time. Just because the actual revising of the work is complete does not mean that the entire revision process is complete. To insure that the work is free of any sort of common mistakes, such as in the areas of grammar, mechanical, or spelling, it is important to run the work through a spellchecker. ... The spell checker will catch most common mistakes, making the work to be a masterpiece. While spell checkers are wonderful, innovative inventions that allow for the best results, but it will not pick up everything. Because this is the case, it is important for the student to look over the work again, being careful to spot anything that the spell checker may have missed. The student may also may want to have others look over the work to spot anything that the student his/herself did not see. Once this has been done, it is safe to say that the revision is complete. Now that the revision process is complete, it is safe to turn it into the teacher. The work will be of high quality, and the student will be able to look forward to scoring high marks on the assignment, since the student followed this revision strategy closely. The work is free of all errors. As result, the student can feel good about what he or she has accomplished. 3.1 Allocate a proportion of the time available that reflects the proportion of the total marks allocated to each question. When it comes to allocating the correct amount of time to answering questions, it is important to allocate enough time to effectively and efficiently answer each question. Doing this will insure that everything is done in a proper manner, meaning that sufficient time will be provided. This is critical, especially when doing tests or quizzes. When the proper amount of time is allocated to answering questions, everything goes well, and when the proper amount of time is not allocated, a disaster usually ensues. Allocating the proper amount of time to answer questions insures that everything will run smoothly. Properly time

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Addressing goals for the DNP program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Addressing goals for the DNP program - Essay Example Every person pursuing a career needs to increase his or her skills in order to give better output. In a nursing career it is no different. However, the advancement of studies plays an important role not just in additional skills or knowledge, but also for the nurse to be able to provide better care to patients within a population, as well as to be able to function as a leader or one of the leaders within health and nursing organizations. To be able to achieve these end results, the Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program created goals that would be teaching nurses knowledge that give more emphasis to: acquiring an advanced degree of skills used in a multitude of situations; being able to use the results of nursing research in applications as needed; playing an active role in leadership of an organization; and being proactive in the implementation as well as creation of health policies that would be inclusive to all patients. At present, I plan to pursue higher education as an adv anced nurse practitioner (ANP) in the DNP program, and with these goals of DNP in mind, I plan to become fully equipped in advancing my skills and knowledge for my nursing career, and share my knowledge with students if given the chance. In the course of nursing duties, it is required that a nurse be fully prepared in all situations, and to act according to the best course of action, especially when the patient’s life is at stake.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Life of Maya Angelou Essay Example for Free

The Life of Maya Angelou Essay Maya Angelou is a black female who had a tragic childhood, but fought through it and ended up extremely influential, prestigious, and successful. She spent her childhood being tossed back and forth between California and Alabama with her older brother. During her middle years she had to learn how to grow up fast and make a living on her own. American poet/writer Maya Angelou pulled through a difficult life to write beautiful poetry and stories to inspire and encourage her readers. On April 4, 1928, Maya Angelou was born in St. Louis, Missouri. She is the â€Å"daughter of Bailey and Vivian [Baxter] Johnson† (Maya). She had only one older brother, Bailey, named after his father. Her mother, â€Å"Vivian Baxter Johnson, worked variously as a card dealer, boarding house proprietor, and registered nurse† (Angelou). Her mother had three husbands but many lovers. Angelou’s father was Bailey Johnson, â€Å"a doorman and a naval dietician† (Angelou). After she was born, she and her family moved to Long Beach, California. It was there that her parents’ marriage ended in a divorce. â€Å"When she was three, her father put Maya and her four year old brother on a train from California to Stamps, Arkansas† (American 2). They went to live with Annie Henderson, their grandmother. â€Å"On the train they had tags around their wrists with notes ‘To Whom it May Concern’ explaining their names and their destination† ( American 3). Maya’s child hood was rough without her parents and she began to resent them. Her mother tried to have a relationship with her but she was not always very successful. One Christmas, â€Å"Maya destroy[ed] a blond-haired doll her mother had sent her but preserves the other gift†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (American 3). Not having a mother around was only one of the hardships she faced. Her grandmother owned a general store, but she was a black woman in a racist area. Angelou witnessed â€Å"economic hardship, murderous hate, and ingrained denigration† (Maya). Maya Angelou’s early years were not very happy, but they set the stage for the rest of her life. During Maya Angelou’s middle years she went back and forth from her mother and grandmother a lot. Tragically, â€Å"at the age of eight, Angelou was raped† (Maya). She had gone to visit her mother a little while after the divorce. â€Å"Maya was raped by her mother’s boyfriend. After the crime was discovered, Maya was forced to testify† (Angelou). Only days after the trial, the man who committed the crime â€Å"was found beaten to death in an alley†(Angelou). Maya began to believe that it was her fault that the man was killed so she stopped talking. The experience influenced many of her stories and poems later in her life. Angelou attended various â€Å"public schools in Arkansas and California† (Maya). Once Angelou began to speak again, she became actively associated in her education. â€Å"Maya was able to graduate with top honors from Lafayette County Training School in Stamps† (American 4). She then moved back to San Francisco with her mother. â€Å"She graduated from George Washington High School† (American 4). The high school was mostly white, but she made it through. â€Å"While still in high school she received a scholarship to study dance and theater at the California Labor School† (American 4). However, Angelou did not attend the school because she pregnant. She was very insecure about her body, â€Å"she thought that her large bones, small breasts, and deep voice indicate that she is a lesbian† (American 4). She then tried to make herself feel better by sleeping with a boy in the neighborhood. â€Å"Maya is a single young mother, yet still herself a child, a mother afraid she might harm her baby† (American 4). Angelou’s mother constantly sent her back and forth between California and Arkansas as they both tried to figure out what was best for the child. Angelou’s middle years were difficult, but would also influence her later writing. Maya Angelou’s adult life came very early for her as she experienced the trials of a young, unemployed, single, teenage mother. She and her child were â€Å"living in San Francisco with her mother and her [mothers] new husband† (American 4). Angelou was only 17, her son was still an infant, so she needed to find a job. She tried being â€Å"a busgirl and a cook at a Creole restaurant† (American 5). While working there, she thought she found the man of her dreams. But the dream quickly came to an end when the man’s  girlfriend returned from a long term trip. Angelou quickly moved on the next job hoping to make some money. â€Å"She became a nightclub waitress and met two lesbians, Johnnie Mae and Beatrice† (American 5). She quickly discovered that they were alcoholic prostitutes. â€Å"Maya convinces them to turn their house into a whorehouse† (American 5). Her brother, Bailey, advises her to quit, insisting that he will always be there for her. Angelou stays in California to raise her child but travels often. As a curious young mother trying to get by, waiting for the next chapter in life. In the early 1950’s, Angelou got married for the first time to a man named Tosh Angelos. She met him â€Å"when she was working as a salesgirl in a record store† (American 6). Tosh was a sailor who loved jazz, â€Å"but she was also bothered by what she senses to be the disapproval from others because of the interracial marriage† (American 6). Therefore, the marriage only lasted about three years. Soon after, Angelou became a dancer and a singer. â€Å"She performed in the popular west Indian calypso style at The Purple Onion† (Angelou). Angelou stopped traveling as much in 1960, when she realized that she could be a part of something huge. One Sunday morning, Angelou attended service at a Harlem church. Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was preaching, it then inspired her. â€Å"She decided to produce a play and raise money for King’s Southern Leadership Conference† (Angelou). In 1961, Angelou moved to Cairo, Egypt and remarried. â€Å"In 1963, after her marriage ended, she moved to Accra to be with her son† (Angelou). In 1966 she went back to California to continue acting, singing, and writing. She published her autobiography â€Å"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings in 1970† (Angelou). Another highlight of her adult life was when she gave the presidential inauguration in 1993. Nevertheless, the trials and tribulations that she faced became an influence to many. â€Å"Angelou is most familiar to her international audience for her series of auto biographies† (American 1). She had five major autobiographies that reflected upon her childhood, middle years, and adult life. â€Å"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Gather Together in My Name, Singin’ and Swingin’ and Getting’ Merry Like Christmas, The Heart of a Women, and All God’s Children  Need Traveling Shoes† (American 2). I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings was published in 1970, it quickly became popular and got a nomination for the National Book Award. â€Å"It covers her childhood and adolescence until the birth of her son, when she was 17† (Angelou).

Monday, October 14, 2019

Ethics Playing A Role In Modern Graphic Design Media Essay

Ethics Playing A Role In Modern Graphic Design Media Essay Undoubtedly, graphic design is a vital component of todays society. It has become increasingly involved in various fields, fuelling the market- and profit-oriented sectors rather than fulfilling the initial aim of pure artistic impression. That was a long time ago though. The modern trends dictate to produce more, promote more, buy more and that way, a designer becomes a marionette ruled by marketing professionals and advertising companies. This way, a designer becomes a tool of consumerism with power and might to change the perception of public. However, there are more issues to be addressed when talking about the importance of ethics in graphic design social responsibility, green design, subliminal advertising, the ethics of retouching, and many more. In fact, it can be said that graphic design as we know it nowadays is clearly being defined by the contemporary state of society and undoubtedly, vice versa as well. Where the society would be without graphic design? Where the graphic design would be if the designers would not need to follow the wishes of marketing and advertising sector? With the power the designers have, they can easily overcome regional boundaries and influence the views and values of society worldwide. Sadly, many of them do not think about the immense impact they are capable of; does that mean that ethics should not play a role in modern graphic design? With the development of technologies, the designers scope keeps constantly changing, as well as its effect on the society. What might not have been an issue 60 years later may now be considered a real problem. In this paper, I will discuss the significance of following the ethical principles in the field of graphic design. I will pinpoint the importance of it through touching main historical events and the transformation of society, which eventually lead to releasing the First Things First Manifesto; I will discuss the role of designer in todays society and effects of subliminal advertising and retouching on the audience. Last but not least, I will briefly touch the influence of designers on ecological sustainability and so-called green design. According to Jessica Helfand, graphic design is visual language uniting harmony and balance, colour and light, scale and tension, form and content. But it is also an idiomatic language, a language of cues and puns and symbols and allusions, of cultural references and perceptual inferences that challenge both the intellect and the eye (Shaugnessy, 2005, p. 18). However, this rather eloquent statement does not take into consideration the fact that in past decades, design has become more of a socio-economic tool for generating profit and that is precisely the point where the ethics, moral values and principles come in. Even though ethics can be quite simply defined as a discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad, right and wrong (Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online, 2010), the variety of ethical aspects in design greatly exceeds this interpretation. Bearing in mind that graphic design is a non-verbal medium, a designer usually acts only as a mediator between the client and potential audience. However, design requires not only strong communication skills and cultural awareness, but also firm ethical and aesthetical beliefs. As a matter of fact, design is a social activity with social consequences (Shaugnessy, 2009). In fact, ethics in graphic design could be looked at from two different viewpoints personal and professional (GD Users Manual). While personal aspects reflect designers moral values, principles, and personal philosophy, the professional ones are concentrated mostly around business code, thus the partnership between a designer and a client. Even though the discussion and awareness about the business aspect of ethics in design have risen significantly in past years, there has not been enough exploration and consideration of its moral side. One of the key factors to influence graphic design is that it is a relatively liberate discipline (Shaugnessy, 2009). Whereas most of the other fields are in some way (what way?) regulated, the moral side of graphic design is left to be dealt with by the designers themselves. That, as it has been mentioned already, requires firm ethical principles. Graphic design in its own nature is very proximate to the ethical questions and issues the society faces at the present time; therefore it is implied in social change. Ranging from animal rights, global warming and nutrition to politics, smoking and workplace violence, graphic design as a communication tool is always present. However, that renders a question whether the designers are the ones to praise or blame for the problems and changes within the society. Kalle Lasn, the founder of the anti-consumerist Adbusters magazine, took this viewpoint at his talk at the Royal College of Art, London (Dudley and Mealing, 2000). First Things First 2000 manifesto (FTF2000), which followed the legendary 1964 manifesto of the same name, deals with a need of moral values in graphic design and visual communication. All the 33 undersigned designers and art directors take quite a firm stand in this matter by claiming that graphic design has gone too far from its original values and ended up being a blatant marketing and advertising tool for generating profit. That in fact reflects not only in the way how people perceive graphic design, but also in a way the society acts, thinks and feels. First Things First 2000: A Design Manifesto We, the undersigned, are graphic designers, art directors and visual communicators who have been raised in a world in which the techniques and apparatus of advertising have persistently been presented to us as the most lucrative, effective and desirable use of our talents. Many design teachers and mentors promote this belief; the market rewards it; a tide of books and publications reinforces it. Encouraged in this direction, designers then apply their skill and imagination to sell dog biscuits, designer coffee, diamonds, detergents, hair gel, cigarettes, credit cards, sneakers, butt toners, light beer and heavy-duty recreational vehicles. Commercial work has always paid the bills, but many graphic designers have now let it become, in large measure, what graphic designers do. This, in turn, is how the world perceives design. The professions time and energy is used up manufacturing demand for things that are inessential at best. Many of us have grown increasingly uncomfortable with this view of design. Designers who devote their efforts primarily to advertising, marketing and brand development are supporting, and implicitly endorsing, a mental environment so saturated with commercial messages that it is changing the very way citizen-consumers speak, think, feel, respond and interact. To some extent we are all helping draft a reductive and immeasurably harmful code of public discourse. There are pursuits more worthy of our problem-solving skills. Unprecedented environmental, social and cultural crises demand our attention. Many cultural interventions, social marketing campaigns, books, magazines, exhibitions, educational tools, television programs, films, charitable causes and other information design projects urgently require our expertise and help. We propose a reversal of priorities in favor of more useful, lasting and democratic forms of communication a mindshift away from product marketing and toward the exploration and production of a new kind of meaning. The scope of debate is shrinking; it must expand. Consumerism is running uncontested; it must be challenged by other perspectives expressed, in part, through the visual languages and resources of design. In 1964, 22 visual communicators signed the original call for our skills to be put to worthwhile use. With the explosive growth of global commercial culture, their message has only grown more urgent. Today, we renew their manifesto in expectation that no more decades will pass before it is taken to heart. What could become possible if designers used their power to influence choices and beliefs in a positive and sustainable way? (Berman, p. 13) The vital message of FTF2000 is to design for good. However, good and bad are still very vague terms and since no guides exist on this topic, it depends upon a designer whether they choose to work for a certain client, use dirty marketing practices or promote possibly harmful, unfavourable and detrimental products. That being the case, it could be said that design and ethics go hand in hand and design for good is in fact a matter of choice. Graphic designers like Tibor Kalman inspired the designers to take responsibility for their works. Throughout his career, he urged designers to question the effects of their works and refuse to accept any clients product exactly the way it appears to be. Kalman inspired graphic designers to use their work to increase public awareness of a variety of social issues. (Milton Glaser Big Think) Undoubtedly, design has impact on society and changes within it. From the extreme point of view, it might seem that customers are absolutely vulnerable to the messages communicated by designers, and therefore accept the information automatically and behave accordingly. Regulatory codes within graphic design The essential part of this problem is regulation. Designers are not obliged to abide any codes, apart from the most essential ones like constitution, and the freedom of their profession makes them extremely vulnerable to moral questions. In other fields, eg. movie industry, it is quite common that a supreme body regulates and assesses the suitability and advisability of particular scenes. If the children are not supposed to see a scene which involves violence, death, or sex, it is alright for them to see a very graphic anti-abortion billboard, picturing an aborted foetus in a puddle of blood? In fact, that has been happening in Slovakia since 2007, when CBR Europe (European branch of The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, USA) firstly released the aforementioned campaign. However, the controversial billboards caused a big wave of disagreement due to its graphic nature. CBR Europe has announced that regardless of the violent nature of campaign, it has been successful and the number of abo rtions in Slovakia has decreased. Even though graphic designers, just like everybody else, have right to express their viewpoints, opinions and attitudes, their work should not be biased. However, who is the one to judge goodness or badness of moral principles of an individual? . GOVERNMENT / ORGANIZATIONS LEADERS From another point of view, this freedom of expression is a cornerstone of democratic rights and freedoms. Nevertheless, neither freedom of speech nor any other freedom is absolute; otherwise there would be no charges for promoting racial, ethnic, gender, disability discrimination and other prejudicial treatments and ideologies. Therefore it is essential for a designer to abide to both personal and public principles. Undoubtedly, personal values vary from person to person the key here is to be aware of them. When not thinking further behind the pursuit of aesthetics many designers strive for, one cannot possibly reflect their values and principles in the works. Many associations of design principles give a hand to designers with both personal and public ones. Just like in with any other profession ranging from doctors to lawyers, the need for applying ethical principles in graphic design calls for recognition. Most of the international and regional design associations have their code of ethics, often known as rules of professional conduct. AIGA (formerly American Institute of Graphic Arts), the professional association for design, released their first edition of Design Business + Ethics in 2001. The most current version issued in 2009 emphasises the importance of existence of ethical standards and the firm mutual bonds between a designer, client and content the both sides deal with. Adherence to a common set of principles is critical to estab ­lishing design as a true profession, with an ethos based on respect for clients, other designers, audiences, society and the environment (AIGA, 2009: 9). Apart from infringement of copyright, human rights, , a professional designer shall avoid projects that will result in harm to the public (AIGA, 2009: 34). The Chartered Society of Designers based in London, UK, accept their membership applicants not only based on qualification and presented works, but also on knowledge in the field of preference and professionalism. These are proved during an interview. To meet the latter requirement, the applicants shall demonstrate that they practice with integrity, maintain ethics and values, operate professionally (CSD, 2009: 2). The role of graphic design in consumerism As Berman states, designers are at the core of the most efficient, most destructive pattern of deception in human history (., p.22). Designers used to be generally seen as tools of capitalism. Creating brands, packaging, and marketing for consumer goods, graphic designers became an integral part of the free market system as they were contributing to wealth within the society. Passing the information through subliminal advertising Simply put, subliminal advertising could be defined as integrating hidden messages within printed or digital media. It [the concept of subliminal perception] suggests that peoples thoughts, feelings and actions are influenced by stimuli that are perceived without any awareness of perceiving (Kadzin, 2000). Through various psychological and neurological studies it was proved that subliminal perception is most likely to occur in patients with neurological damage or those who are undergoing general anaesthesia. In such cases, they usually not realize the stimuli but subconsciously respond to it anyway. As the means of convincing and manipulating the potential viewers into certain actions and behaviours, subliminal advertising has been assigned quite spectacular power in the past. This method counts on mental vulnerability of customers and their automatic acceptance of the pictured message. From the psychological point of view, the threshold of consciousness varies from person to person and some people might be influenced by subliminal messaging. Wilson Bryan Kay, an author of several controversial books on subliminal messaging, argued that the power of advertising has been often increased by embedding sexual subtext and/or word sex within it. His main argument is that even though the sexual tone of the advertisement is not consciously perceived, subconsciously it causes increase in sexual desires, resulting in making the advertised product more appealing. Even though the tests with subliminal messages have run since late 1950s, the scientific research behind this phenomenon has neither confirmed nor refuted the potential success in altering customers views and will subconsciously. Nonetheless, if the subliminal messages are powerful enough to change peoples views and behaviour, the ethical matters are definitely in question. In fact, we would be dealing with violation of a persons right for privacy. While subconscious messages could be used for not only dirty purposes but also for decent ones (eg. persuading people not to lie), the final effect would still be manipulating peoples actions which is not any less unethical. The person communicating his or her ideas through subconscious messages has no right to manipulate and brainwash other peoples minds. Due to this fact, subliminal messages are generally being perceived as unethical and are banned, among others, in USA, Canada and Australia. Ethical issues in photography and retouching Bearing in mind that graphic designers are in fact visual artists, they have a rather immense power in changing the perception of people who see their works. Retouching is a perfect example of how the relatively small actions have changed the image of beauty within our society. Majority of the people would agree that retouching of the models for marketing campaigns poured oil into fire when speaking about the perception of beauty. Being exposed to the modern, even though retouched notion of visual appearance, many women feel insecure about their looks and body. Arguably, the media most certainly contributes to dieting and size discrimination (, which are often a founding ground for development of an eating disorder. Not only in cases like the one above, the designers and commercial artists in general need to take a firm stance on their moral values and principles. The world of design and visual communication calls for a greater responsibility in decision-making (.?) because the visual elements often speak as clearly as words spoken out loud. In order to support a call for higher standards in photojournalism and advertising, there has been a movement to ban or clearly label retouched images. Even though this idea has support of several countries including United Kingdom, Switzerland and France, it is very unlikely to be adopted soon as it would require complicated regulations to be set up. Historical significance of graphic design Undoubtedly, the graphic design has been a very important element in shaping the history. Since the early 20th century, it has been continuously growing in its significance. Throughout the past, design was an inseparable component of considerable number of events which defined the world as we know it today. Graphic design, regardless of ethical consequences of the communicated message, potentially played a key role at the period of Second World War. The commercial aspect of graphic design was taken to its greatest and darkest heights in Nazi Germany in a terrible exemplar of the true power of design ( However, as Eileen MacAvery Kane (2010) states, the similar strategies were implied in eras of Fascist Italy, Stalins and Lenins USSR, and Maos China. In all four cases, the leaders turned graphic design into a powerful manipulative tool to influence lives of millions of people. Throughout the history, several infamously known symbols have been created, be it the swastika and gothic typography of Hitlers Germany, Mussolinis streamlined Futurist posters and Black Shirt uniforms, the stolid Social Realism of Stalins USSR and Maos Little Red Book (amazon), which were used in in a wide variety of propaganda, from posters, magazines and advertisements to uniforms, flags and figurines (amazon). Moreover, the physical and mental characteristics of the leaders were often depicted on various means of visual communication, converting a person into public icon and thus building up the trustworthiness of the whole regime. Such steps could be compared to contemporary advertising practices. Another strong example from the field of politics is Barack Obamas 2008 election campaign. The logo, designed by a Chicago company Sender LLC, is often described as a rising sun symbolising hope and the main strength of Obamas campaign is visual coherence of all the main elements. Shepard Fairey, the American designer and illustrator who stands behind the famous HOPE poster for Obamas campaign, has proven that the power of visual communication on popular opinion is still immense. Even though he was not hired to create a poster for Obama and his team denied any involvement in creation of the aforementioned piece, it has proven to be very successful. Once the campaign was over, Fairey received a letter from Obama which reads: I would like to thank you for using your talent in support of my campaign. The political messages involved in your work have encouraged Americans to believe they can help change the status quo. Your images have a profound effect on people, whether seen in a gallery or on a stop sign. ( ( ( ( When compared to both posters above (Image 1, Image 2), Barack Obamas visuals share certain elements with them. Apparently, use of blue, white and red is conditioned by country the posters (Image 2, 3) were created for; however, a  portrait of a  person is central element in all of them. Both Hitler and Obama are looking to future, which is supported by strong slogans (Long Live Germany! and HOPE) and bold typography. Moreover, both use a  symbolism of sun or sun rays in their campaigns. These are all facts a  viewer processes subconsciously. Would have people believed in future of Germany promised by Adolf Hitler if he was depicted striking a  different pose, doing a  different gesture, if the background did not show his supporters? Would Obama have been elected if Fairey had never released his iconic poster? Of course, politics is not only about visual side of campaigns but bearing in mind the mind-blowing success the abovementioned heads of states had received, it can be said that graphic design plays an extremely important role in our lives. As Graham Milton (n.d.) stated in his blog, propaganda exists today in the form of advertising and design because it is the most effective tool for influencing popular opinion. Indeed, all mass media is capable of this manipulation ( Manipulation, a practice involving influence or control over the others to ones own advantage, cannot possibly be looked at as an ethical action. This matter o f fact touches not only politics but all the possible fields graphic design is present in and cannot be ignored anymore. Business and commercial aspect of ethics in graphic design Sustainability and social responsibility